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Honorary menbers

Bjarne Kiholm

The first honorary member of the board. Bjarne started the restoration of M/S Martha.

Bent Kromann

Bent did a great job at the renovation of M/S Martha. He followed the work at the yard in Egernsund closely with frequently visits. He was active in connection with the autorities in getting the necessary approvals.   

Vibeke Schøtt

Willy Morgenstern

Anders Bjerrum

Has been involved in the entire renovation of M/S Martha and has been an invaluable support in terms of the entire financing and contact with authorities to obtain the various permits required.

Martha, Pilevej 10, 6720 Fanø.Phone 60 90 85 91

Contact: info@marthasonderho.dk. MobilPay 816429

CVR 34151547