About us

M/S Marthas’ history and initiators


Børge Fischer Jensen


THE STORY, the first Martha.

In 1975, M/S Martha was built in Sønderho by Børge Fischer as a punting boat. The cockpit was extra-long to make room for the marking brooms. However, the boat was not used for this purpose, but was sold on in the family to Asta and Willy Morgenstern. They used Martha as a pleasure boat until around 1995, when Sønderho Harbour was so sandy that it was no longer possible to keep the boat on the harbour.


The next Martha.

The Skøgum association from Ribe was founded in 2012 on the initiative of Bjarne Kiholm and Anders Bjerrum. They acquired Martha in order to renovate the clinker-built boat, which had been declared worthy of preservation by the Danish Ship Preservation Fund. The plan was for Martha to be used for sailing in the Wadden Sea with tourists and members of the organisation. With the help of several foundations, Martha was renovated at C.J. Skibs- og Bådværft in Egernsund and on 7 June 2018, Martha was launched.

The new Martha In 2019, after several good attempts to get finances in Foreningen Skøgum, the name of the organisation was changed to Foreningen Martha af Sønderho and Martha was moved to Fanø. Martha now mainly sails seal safaris and harbour sailing with tourists, with great support from over 150 shareholders and 200 members.



1975 Børge Fischer Jensen
1976 Willy Morgenstern
2008 Bjarne Kiholm
2012 The Skøgum Association
2019 Foreningen Martha af Sønderho


Purpose of the organisation
The purpose of the association is to work to promote projects that can create maritime experiences and communicate the maritime cultural history of the Wadden Sea National Park, including sailing with historic vessels.

Bjarne Kiholm

The association’s first honorary member. Bjarne initiated the restoration of M/S Martha.

Bent Kromann

Bent har ydet er stort arbejde ved renoveringen af M/S Martha. Han fulgte opbygningen med mange besøg på værftet i Egernsund og var aktiv i forbindelsen til myndighederne for at opnå de fornødne godkendelser.

Vibeke Schøtt

Foreningen Marthas første formand

Willy Morgenstern

Foreningens Marthas tidligere formand, tog initiativ til at flytte M/S Martha tilbage til Fanø fra Ribe.
Desuden var Willy ejer af M/S Martha før renoveringen startede.

Anders Bjerrum

Har været med i hele renoveringen af M/S Martha og har været en uvurderlig støtte med hensyn til hele finansieringen og kontakten til myndigheder for opnåelse af de forskellige tilladelser der kræves.